
Everything in history is present.

i can remember daydreaming in South Africa about the dutch coming to the shore for the first time. It may have looked like a few ships coming in from over the horizon, but really they were towing behind them a blanket of history. A membrane, another layer added or subtracted. Same for the americas...

I imagined this huge wall behind these boats, like tidal waves look in the movies. All the molecules of history in the air, changing their polarity with one sweep.

I remember the same feeling when the world trade towers were detonated. Watching them fall, i could see a new horizon descend on the landscape at the same speed (10 seconds). Like those old time plays where the set manager would drop a new curtain and the background would change instantly, only now in 4 dimensions. I could feel it tear down my body from my head to my feet.

colonialism is the opposite of absorption, yet it can absorb everything.

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